We have multiple options available for our residents to make rent and utility payments in hopes you can choose what is most convenient for you.
MAIL: We accept check and money order payments via the mail. Keep in mind your rent is counted as received based on the day it arrived to us, not on the postdate. Payments can be mailed to:
Abode Properties, P.O. Box 3201, Eau Claire, WI 54702
ONLINE: If you would like to make your payment online, please CLICK HERE. When making payments online there is a $2.95 convenience fee for ACH payments and a $2.95 convenience fee + 3% on payments made by credit and/or debit card. We accept VISA, MasterCard, and Discover. The convenience fees are charged by the company that processes our payments and not by Abode Properties.
IN PERSON: If you prefer to, you can drop your payment at our office located at 316 N Barstow Street, Suite D, Eau Claire, WI 54703. If we are not in the office, there is a drop box outside the office door that payments can be put in. We are in a building with auto-locking doors, which are open Monday - Friday from 7:30 a - 5:30 p (unless changed by building owner). WE DO NOT ACCEPT CASH!

If you have a maintenance request, you can CLICK HERE to fill out a request online. We are currently taking all maintenance requests through the online form to help ensure the health and safety of those entering your home.
This form is not to be used for emergency maintenance. If you have an emergency maintenance request you can call our emergency line at 715-828-7980.

If you are interested in adding a roommate or subleasing, please contact our office at 715-514-4567.

You can CLICK HERE to fill out your notice to vacate online or you can mail a written notice to us.
Most of our leases require a 60 day written notice to vacate due on or before the 1st of the month. If you are in the middle of a lease, you are still responsible for the term of your lease or until the unit re-rents. If you have questions, please contact us.

Please refer to our MOVE OUT CHECKLIST for what is expected when you move out. If there are items on the list that are not completed or not completed fully, you will be charged on your security deposit per your lease.
If you would like to schedule a final inspection with us, it will need to be scheduled at least 1 week in advance of your move out. If you have questions regarding any of the items, please contact us.